Edward has called Barclays directors to a meeting in the Syston branch to set out his, and local people’s, anger and disappointment at Barclays’ announcement of plans to close the branch, despite the bank having offered reassurances about its future when they closed the Thurmaston branch two years ago.
Edward said: “While I was grateful to the Barclays directors for coming to see me and for listening to what we had to say, I was very sorry that they appeared to regard it as a done deal, with the decision already made, regardless of the strong arguments put forward by local people for them to think again.
I set out that fact that I, and local people, believe they have a moral obligation to their customers to continue to provide access to branch facilities and to the broader community. I will be meeting with Barclays again at the House of Commons to raise with them this broader point about large banks’ moral obligations, in my view, to the communities they work in.”