Edward has joined the Speaker of the House of Commons, fellow MPs and supporters of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) and I CAN (the children's communication charity) for the parliamentary launch of their report: "Bercow: Ten Years On" on the state of provision for children's speech, language and communication needs, ten years on from John Bercow MP's ground-breaking report in to the provision of these services back in 2008.
The report's authors undertook extensive evidence gathering, collecting the views of children and young people, parents, carers, speech and language therapists and other professionals, to build a picture of the support available on the ground for children and young people with speech, language, and communication needs.
Edward commented: "Huge amounts of work has been done in putting together this detailed report, which rightly highlights a very important issue. While much progress has been made since John Bercow's important report in 2008, this report highlights that ten years on there is still more to do to ensure that children and young people with speech, language, and communication needs all receive the support they need to meet those needs and develop the communication skills that are so important in getting on in life. It was a pleasure to be able to join I CAN, RCSLT and many others who care about this issue for the report's launch."