Edward has joined with local residents and campaigners in opposing an application for an 18m mobile phone mast on the corner of Flaxfield Close, Groby, which is currently being considered by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council.
In reflecting local residents' concerns & objections, Edward highlighted that while we all recognise our increasing reliance on mobile phones etc, and the need for good network coverage, particularly in Groby which suffers in some places from poor network coverage, the location proposed in this particular application is simply not appropriate for this mast. In his representations to HBBC, Edward set out that the proposed location is only c3m from nearby homes, and that other options within the SSSI had been discounted on grounds of such proximity to properties, and that this mast, at 18m high, at this location, would significantly and detrimentally impact on the residential amenity of nearby residential properties, with the associated 3 cabinets on the pavement also narrowing that pavement space. As highlighted by local residents, this site is actually at a lower point than other alternative sites, and Edward has joined with them in calling on HBBC to reject this application, and for the applicants to think again and find a better alternative site.