Along with around a hundred local residents and their friends, Edward joined the hugely successful quiz night held in Queniborough Village Hall to raise funds in aid of the Queniborough Church Preservation Society, with local County Councillor James Poland and Parish Councillor Daniel Grimley.
Edward commented: “Although I have to confess that the table I was on just failed to scoop the prize, and think I’ve got a bit of work to do before next year to get myself ‘quiz ready’, like everyone else I had a hugely enjoyable evening with friends, and all in a good cause.
Thank you to everyone who put so much work into such a fantastic and fun evening – it is a true reflection of the community spirit that characterizes Queniborough and makes it, just like many other similar villages locally, special. It was an evening that brought everyone together, and the willingness of those who organised it to give so much of their time for the community is something we should all be very grateful to them for.”